TMJ and orofacial pain study

TMJ and orofacial pain study


    The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that helps us open and close the mouth and is located in front of the ear. The TMJ presents a high complexity due to the movements it performs in opening and closing, translation and lateralization of the jaw. It participates in the functions of chewing, swallowing, phonation and breathing.


    TMJ problems are often due to a problem of dental malocclusion or excessive pressure being exerted on the teeth, bruxism. This overload is usually involuntary and increases when sleeping.

Its disorders may present with limitation of mouth opening and/or difficulty in chewing, pain in the joint that can be transferred to the head and ear, joint noises, muscle contracture around the muscles of the cheek, cervical, neck and pain or "tiredness" in the muscles of the face when waking up, mobility of the teeth,...

Therapy may include prevention and/or treatment measures such as a change in habits, muscle relaxation, personalized relief splint, and if necessary improve occlusion with an occlusal adjustment, prosthesis or orthodontics to eliminate or improve symptoms.